James M Driskill
I told you so I told you so
May 08, 2021 8:36:52pm
James M Driskill
More and more mass shootings continuing to go off on and on and on and on even after event after events
May 08, 2021 8:36:45pm
James M Driskill
Are you going to be embarrassed enough to maintain a relationship here other chats so we can find a resolution for this or not?
May 08, 2021 8:35:06pm
James M Driskill

Fact or Faked. Why we don't trust science anymore DW documentary.

This is where the past and our relationship as a cumulative effect is it destruction to our community affect culture. What you represented as your Allegiance back then is what we have today and it should be embarrassing
May 08, 2021 8:34:43pm
James M Driskill
Agnotology is the study of culturally induced ignorance or doubt, particularly the publication of inaccurate or misleading scientific data. It was coined in 1995 by Robert N. Proctor, a Stanford University professor, and linguist Iain Boal. Wikipedia
May 08, 2021 8:31:58pm
James M Driskill
How can I impress you to stick into this situation and not block me. People are being hurting our society we need to change the dimension that we are working this I know you already know. So when will we actually take the time to be able to discuss something any truthful paradigm instead of deflecting it --

A strategic ignorance...


We are going to remain here in a debate that you have not a clue to what I'm talking about. Perhaps that is true but that does not say that what I'm talking about did not or does not or has not the ability put put to your mind to know
May 08, 2021 8:29:55pm
James M Driskill
A meeting of the minds... can we even proceed honestly? I highly doubt it. Where are your loyalties. You are a global company.

You are not an individualized

US hater enabler creations of.a model somehow bent on destruction.

But who is in this mix over this time. Showing something odd in the interfaces something odd in the creation of channels for customer Supports that go to immediately sock the customer. In the eye. Immediately delete tickets no explanation. This is a model to which I know is true.

In the way of progress,

I have anything to do with your change - in a time frame. Your service works for a lot of people now pairing a uniform platform. I don't think you would really want you to jeopardize an entire platform to be supporting the haters agenda. I now can call it a Manifesto. Not only can I call it a Manifesto but its presence upon at least the United States is a matter of provable not just beyond the abundance of the evidence Beyond A Reasonable Doubt.

Instead of blocking and detaching - to Big yourself from the person bring forward this reality...

Such as in the past.

Can we chat? I left voicemail already called I'm hoping they stuck my phone is hacked continue to interfere with me. I'm continuing process they continue to interfere with me on my device which I know they are there I don't need to know that they're there they are there so we will it become apparent that somebody out there from your side of everything that is in view rationalizes their presence is not something good for a society or a world. Their presence is a damaging that needs to be understood to how it is to be placed into a position of immediate termination suspension to a platform of understanding that we never ever engaged upon never ever ever attempted to return a status which there are people in this world employed at their daily job to not only surveil people but to mess with them to mind f*** with them.

A matter of Psych unseen.

These people have doctoral degrees medical degrees medical licenses and all that stuff the pedigree the pedigree of a paper.

They also have an MPI record...

A Disqus commenting tool on the side of NPINO.COM
May 08, 2021 8:27:35pm